Submission Guidelines
Azoth Khem Publishing accepts queries for completed manuscripts only. Please do not submit a work in progress. Due to the large number of submissions we receive, your best opportunity for acceptance is to carefully read and follow all submission guidelines. If your manuscript is complete, as polished as you can make it, and you think it's a good match for Azoth Khem Publishing, we'd like to hear from you.
Full length (40,000 to 120,000 words) and novella length (20,000 to 40,000 words) works only. Series concepts are also welcome. Please read the full submission guidelines for instructions on how to submit your book.
Use 12 pt. Times New Roman or Arial fonts
Cover page with name, address, phone number, email, genre, and word count
A standard professional query letter that includes your 25-30 word book pitch
A 250-word synopsis of the work.
Manuscripts should be double-spaced, saved in 8-1/2" x 11" format with 1" margins.
Your marketing plans or ideas. Tell us who your target reader is and how you would reach them. Market demographics with comparisons of books and authors in the same genre as your work, with similarities. Include demographics of sales for any published work (it doesn't matter if you have sold 1 copy or 100 copies)
Author Biography and list of pre-published works.
If previously published and republishing, please include the original cover art and reviews for the book.
Please include if the book is part of a series. Azoth Khem doesn't necessarily publish all books of a series but retains the right to publish the individual books as they come out. If Azoth Khem decides to not go with the sequel to the previously published series book(s), the author has the right to choose whatever publisher they choose.
Currently accepting:
- Fantasy (includes all sub-genres)
- Science Fiction (all sub-genres)
- Romance (non-erotic)
- Historical Settings Novels
- Satire / Comedy / Parody
- Crime / Detective / Suspense
- Techno-Thriller
- Speculative Fiction
- Adventure / Action
- Medical / Legal / Occupational
- Horror
- Erotica
- Esoteric / New Age / Spirituality
- Wicca/ Paganism / Witchcraft
- Music, Bands, Musicians Anthologies & Biographies
- Historical Biographies
- Poetry
EMAIL POETRY SUBMISSIONS TO: poetrysubmissions@azothkhempublishing.com
EMAIL ALL OTHER SUBMISSIONS TO: submissions@azothkhempublishing.com