Mein Covfefe:
Yuge Trouble in Little America
Open For Submissions
The Deets
Open until May 15, 2025
Give us your best Trump-themed humor. Stories, poetry, and art. We lean toward speculative fiction, but all Trump-themed works will be considered.
We are accepting submission for works up to 7500 words. All profits from this anthology will be donated to the ACLU.
Please use standard manuscript format, and, for the sake of our slush monkey's sanity, include the title and author in the manuscript itself. While there is no preferred font, please don't select a font that will make our eyes bleed! We prefer .doc, .docx, or .rtf files.
Foul language and sexuality are fine if they're part of the story. Just remember to stay on topic. Please don't try to pimp us your smut story and just throw Trump's name in it. Remember, if it's funny, it's all good! Please, no fanfic (though parody is accepted).
Simultaneous submissions are accepted, but please tell us ASAP if your work is selected for publication elsewhere. Multiple submissions are okay, within reason. Try to keep it to just a couple - we don't need your entire corpus of fiction. Feel free to send up to six pieces of flash fiction. Don't forget to include your author bio in a separate document!
Author's will receive a digital author copy and the satisfaction of exercising your free speech. You keep rights to all your stories. We only want non-exclusive, worldwide, serial rights for electronics and print.
Feel free to CONTACT US with questions or concerns.

Cover for concept only. Not the finsihed product.